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October 14, 2010

Your Thoughts Are Powerful

What thoughts dominate your life?
Do you ever stop to notice?
Most people are unaware of the impact their thinking has on their lives.
However your thoughts directly affect your mood and self-esteem. Here’s a little experiment.
The next time you feel sad, angry, or anxious for no apparent reason, take a moment to observe what you were just thinking and jot it down. It could be quite a revelation!

How you think and feel also affects your body. Your thoughts have a powerful influence on your mental, emotional and physical health. For example, if you are in the habit of entertaining self-critical, pessimistic
thoughts, you may find that your body becomes tense from that stress. This can lower your immune system.

How Your Thoughts Affect Your Health.
The relationship between your thoughts, emotions, and your immune system can be explained in physiological terms. According to Dr. Christiane Northrup in her book, Healing Toxic Emotions, when you think a thought or feel a feeling, it communicates itself to every cell in your body by way of small protein molecule messengers called neuropeptides. Neuropeptides, also known as neurotransmitters, are the chemicals
produced by the brain to communicate with every cell in your body.

Hormones, which function like neurotransmitters, also involve communication among the cells. The hormonal level of your body fluctuates according to your emotional state. How you perceive stress has a dramatic effect on the production of immune molecules in the bloodstream as well as certain immune cells via messages from the hypothalamus, the control center of the brain.

Both positive as well as negative thoughts affect your immune system. Positive thoughts and feelings cause your neurotransmitters to move your immune system towards health and balance. However, a predominance of negative thinking taxes your immune system throwing it out of balance.


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