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February 12, 2009


A young boy once asked his dad how much he is earning per day. The dad refused to tell him. After much questions, he finally told his 10year old son dat he earns just 50 dollars per day. So the boy smiled and said daddy i asked u bcos i want u to give me just 25 dollars. The dad became angry and drove him away.

So the boy was sad and went straight to his room to bed. Later, the dad was angry with himself and tot dat he was harsh to d boy and dat he should hav asked him what he wanted to do with the he went to meet d boy in his room...and apologised and asked d boy...son, what do u need d money for...d boy had tears in his eyes, so the dad gave him the 25 the boy opened his shelf and brought some other money he had.

Suddenly, the dad became more angry and said u even had money, but why ask the boy simply, with this money you gave me, i now hav complete 25 dollars. I will giv u dis whome money now 50 dollars tomoro morning...d dad asked why and d boy simply said...i just want to buy your TIME SO DAT YOU WILL STAY AT HOME AND SPEND DINNER WITH ME...the dad now broke down in tears....

Now do you know that what we have, we dont value, but what we tend to loose, we value them much later....If only u can just dedicate some more time to som aspects of ur life, you will stay and remain happier than you are presently.....because when we loose our jobs, it will be painful to us only for a while and we can still get another one, but when we loose a loved one, we cant get them again and the pain would linger forever.......FOOD FOR THOUGHT .

Just a smile would go a long way. Its cheap and costs to someone and appreciate all that you meet. Someone you dont know needs it.

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